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Hoses of the Holy in the Parallel Universe

August 10, 2004


originally uploaded by mcmrbt.
I don't know who took this photograph, but it seems to be the very definition of evocative, calling something forth from the past.

On the left, B's grandmother, and the right, her great aunt. The two guys in between, I don't know who they are. But I love the crazy handlebars on the 3rd bike.

As to who took the shot, that's the real mystery of a photo like this. Who else was there, did he/she have a bike, or is the camera supported on a tripod or post, set to fire automatically, or by remote control? I hardly think so in this era, but who could it be?

I remember my sister had a friend once showed her a lot of family photos, which were hilarious because they showed him and his mum positioned in front of world-famous scenes and objects. But the overall effect was that he went on holiday with his mum, that there was no dad, an absentee or dead father. Of course, the dad was taking every single photo, never once appearing. Which, now I think about it, is a lot like me.


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