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Hoses of the Holy in the Parallel Universe

October 22, 2004

What else can go wrong then?

Finally. Finally we've moved out of our old house and dropped the keys off at the agent. Two weeks ago, it was, the solicitor gave us today as the completion date, which meant I had two weeks to empty the house.

See, thanks to damn property programmes on the telly, we thought it wisest to leave the house "dressed" with furniture etc when we moved out into a rented house. So we left half our stuff behind. Which was a good idea, because the rented house is titchy in comparison (tip for architects: people with no room to swing a cat would rather have more living space than a garage). But it was also a bad idea, because it fell to me to empty the house. Which isn't quite true, because I wouldn't have managed at all without P borrowing a van from work twice. Two van loads then. And about, ooh, 8 car loads.

All in the pissing, pissing rain. And I didn't have enough boxes, couldn't get enough boxes, because they were all getting wet in the skip, and I'm really bad at noticing things. So every time I thought I'd cracked it, I realised I'd forgotten something else.

Take last night. I went round and cleaned up a bit after all the packing, filled the wheelie bin with reject stuff, vacuumed up the little bits and pieces, and even ran a mop over the floor to get rid of muddy footprints. Because it was pissing with rain. Again. Anyway, it was all done and dusted, and I took the front door keys and put them in an envelope ready to drop in at the agents this morning.

But then I got home and thought, now, where did I leave all the other keys? And I remembered the kitchen window keys were in the kitchen drawer. Which I hadn't opened. Which was full of cutlery and other stuff. So I was in two minds about going back for that, until I realised I hadn't checked the kitchen cupboards below eye height.

So I had to go back in this morning, and now I've got a car full of pots and pans, dishes, cleaning equipment, drainers, graters, colanders, etc etc. In other words, a whole nother car load. Oh, and I'd left 3 pictures on the living room wall, impossible to miss, yet missed nevertheless. Jesus.

But now it's done. I think. And I've dropped the keys off.

And last night I tried to watch The Sopranos which I'd taped monday. Only I started taping near the end of a tape, so I missed half an hour of it. Well done.


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