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Hoses of the Holy in the Parallel Universe

November 26, 2004

Computers are Rubbish, part 792

It's well known that computers are rubbish (Benefits system hit by IT chaos). But even more rubbish than computers, I tend to find, are the people who install and maintain them. Or specify them. IT consultants, engineers, however they style themselves. I reckon for every 100 IT engineers, possibly 1 of them is competent and actually knows what he/she is doing.

And s/he is probably the one most vocal about computers being rubbish, unreliable, and the importance of keeping things simple.

The agenda seems to be, "Listen sonny, you don't pretend to know as much as I pretend to, therefore I will impose this system over your head in order to score points and win an argument, even though if something goes wrong with it I won't have the first clue as to what to do about it."

They should set up a planet for IT consultants and send them there, see how long they survive.


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