James May in the Torygraph: England's green and pleasant land
Fans of Top Gear's best presenter will be keen to read James May's latest column in the Telegraph, in which he argues that people who live in the countryside and who aren't actual farmers should stop complaining about the motor car:
"The harsh truth is that cod country living is a privilege bequeathed entirely by the roads and motor transport. So if you live in Chodford and despise all things automotive, you should live as I imagine country folk did before the car was invented. That is, like a chicken; in your own poo, driven mad by blight and at the mercy of wild animals.
You should ride a donkey, and the road to your damp dwelling should be a rough track beset by bandits and deranged inbreds with huge hands and one eye in the middle of their faces."
"You should live as I imagine country folk did before the car was invented. That is, like a chicken; in your own poo, driven mad by blight and at the mercy of wild animals."
This is, without a doubt, my favorite quote of the month. Cheers!
Hammer, at 8:19 am
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