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Hoses of the Holy in the Parallel Universe

May 25, 2006

The hair wasn't that bad

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Nope, I haven't read the book. I wasn't bothered about going to see the film either, but my lovely lady friend had read the book and did want to check it out. Being 'Orange Wednesday' (BOGOF) we decided to hit the multiplex. I hadn't noticed our local UCI had changed to an Odeon, when did that happen? You can probably tell I don't get out much.
So what did I think? Well I don't usually like these blockbuster type films at all. All style over substance, action and effects with little in the way of story line. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. It seemed (to me) well cast and acted with a fantastic lack of over the top love scenes and romantic involvement. The story moved fast with lots of information to take in, even when the speed slowed the information kept coming. Not really the sort of film that you can get up and grab yourself an extra hot dog and still be down with the plot - and that's a good thing.
It is overly long but I would hate to have taken any of it away. The worst bit for me involved Tom 'Forest' Hanks imagining large spheres, globes and solar systems and the like, while working out a puzzle, but it is Hollywood, so you do expect some poor bits. Okay, so you do know, quite a way before the end what the outcome will be, but that didn't really seem to matter. Did mention it starred Audrey Tautou? Surely somebody's secret girlfriend. My girlfriend thought that it should even keep the 'It's not as good as the book' crowd happy as well.

Recommended? Well, if it's possible to remove yourself from the hype and not go expecting the world then YES, It's a excellent waste of a night.

And I'd also like to state for the record that Tom's hair isn't as bad in the film as on the poster.


  • It does surprise me that anyone would bother to see this film when they could buy the book for 6.99 and get more pleasure out of it for a longer time for less than the standard price of a film in London anyway. I mean, admittedly I think the book is an unreadable heap of shit, but lots of people swear by it, and you could probably read it with a photograph of Audrey Tautou next to you as well.

    By Blogger Marie, at 5:27 pm  

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