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Hoses of the Holy in the Parallel Universe

May 18, 2005


I just sold my copy of the book about Apple T-Shirts, which has been sitting on my shelf for several years. Bought it for 39 dorrar a few years back (including a free Apple t-shirt), just sold it for 39 quids. Could have charged more, obviously, because it was less than 2 hours between listing and sale - Amazon clearly had a buyer waiting in the wings. More than one, perhaps, because it said the average price they were willing to pay was 49 quids.

Still, my first rule of selling things is that you're better of selling it than not selling it. I've put my Telecaster on eBay, and with less than 24 hours to go there are no bids on it, which means that 300 squid was probably too high. I should have at least remembered the second rule of selling things, which is that people really are fooled by prices that end in 9 or 5. 279 was probably the way to go, so maybe I'll try it again at some point.

It's amazing what people will pay for things related. Over at Red Light Runner they sell all kinds of things. An original iMac t-shirt, par example, 35 dorrar. I had one of those. Original iBook t-shirt -13 dorrar. Bargain! I had one of those, too. Unfortunately, I was stupid enough to actually wear them. In fact, I could prolly net 100+ dorrar just on the Apple t-shirts I've had over the past few years. My now-broken Apple mug, I don't know, but one of the three Apple watches I've still got somewhere: 70 dorrar.

Original Bondi iMac poster (there was one in the office at one time): 100 dorrar; 1984-2004 poster (hanging somewhere in the office): 50 dorrar; the Frank Sinatra "Think Different" poster: 180 dorrar; Ghandi: 180; Hitchcock: 250; Maria Callas: 250. All of which hanging around the office. You can even get 3 dorrar for one of those white Apple logo stickers you get with Apple products. Guard them with your life!

I've got a cheap 'n' nasty Apple key ring somewhere in the house: 60 dorrar. Apple logo lapel pins, of which I have two: between 20 and 25 dorrar.

When I first came to work here, they had in reception one of the original "picasso" mac display lights. I wonder who swiped it when they refurbished the reception area? Not me, unfortunately, 1300 dorrar to you, sir. Buyer collects.

I think I may have to dig out some of these Apple things and flog the hell out of them on eBay.


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