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Hoses of the Holy in the Parallel Universe

September 09, 2004


Had a(nother) blood test yester, but for some reason the nurse couldn't find a vein willing to give up the necessary three vials. Probably all collapsed because of my life-long smack habit.

Anyway, she made one hole, which didn't work, though she had a good dig around with the needle before I yelped. I think she was trying to penetrate the left ventricle of my heart. From my right arm.

So then she made another hole, in the other arm, and got one single vial out before the vein collapsed or something. And left me with a grape-sized lump and incipient bruise on that arm. Finally, she made a 3rd hole in the first arm again, and managed to get two further vials.

Blood test is another cholesterol, blood-sugar etc., type test because we've moved house and so changed doctors. And apparently it's quicker for me to go through the 3-blood-pressure-and-a-blood-test rigamarole than it would be to just get my notes from my old doctor.

My blood pressure, now, is higher than it was back, when? (consults blog) It was February/March, so not that long ago. My blood test then confirmed slightly-higher-than-is-quite-safe cholesterol, and I've been trying those Benecol yoghurt drinks ever since. So it'll be interesting to see if it's actually worked.

So, hypertension? What gives? Stress, partly, I'm sure. And inheritance, no doubt. I try to learn to relax, but I'm not very good at it. I can give the appearance of stillness, but the mind is racing. There's a device you can buy that helps you train your breathing so that you reduce your BP, supposedly. 15 minutes a day, which seems only reasonable, but it costs 300 dorrar.


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