Indeed it's a great day for blogging and the internet in general. I feel sure that the internet will be around for a long as these great people can be bothered to write on this wonderful platform.
Outstanding! This blog has been a regular read for me ever since I accidentally stumbled onto it many months ago. A consistent source of humor and stylistic inspiration, as well as great music and book recommendations. Keep it up!
Well done Holy Hoses crew!
Lisa Rullsenberg, at 6:33 am
Surely we ahould say Mo'75 to that?!
patrische, at 6:34 am
Consistently entertainig... who said that!
patrische, at 6:52 am
Rob did, see above.
Indeed it's a great day for blogging and the internet in general. I feel sure that the internet will be around for a long as these great people can be bothered to write on this wonderful platform.
Well done
HolySwerve, at 7:06 am
Outstanding! This blog has been a regular read for me ever since I accidentally stumbled onto it many months ago. A consistent source of humor and stylistic inspiration, as well as great music and book recommendations. Keep it up!
Anonymous, at 7:57 am
Crack open some tete de cuvee. Enjoying this strangely entertaining cosmos.
rashbre, at 5:30 pm
Brill. Well done boys. How do I figure out how many I've done?
PS My word verification? Smaco.
Marie, at 2:02 pm
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